v.l. Elke Greiff-Gossen, Lazare Eloundo Assomo, Deputy Director UNESCO, Stephan Doempke WHW, Klaus Thomas
9:00 Plenary Session
International Perspectives on the Structured Role of Civil Society in the World Heritage Convention
Lazare Eloundou Assomo, Deputy Director, UNESCO Division for Heritage and World Heritage Centre
Kristal Buckley, International Council for Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
Cyril Kormos, International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Plenary Session Continued
Towards a Structured Role of Civil Society in the Framework of the World Heritage Convention
Moderator: Stephan Doempke (World Heritage Watch) A paper on the subject for discussion and adoption by the WHW Forum will be circulated among the participants in time before the start of the Forum.
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Parallel Sessions Parallel Session 1: Networking Meeting of Civil Society in Poland
Moderators: Dr. Danuta Glondys (Villa Decius Association) / Stephan Doempke (World Heritage Watch)
Marcin Stoczkiewicz (Client Earth); Robert Cyglicki (Greenpeace Poland); Mateusz Zmyślony (Eskadra); Basil Kerski (tbc) (European Solidarity Center); AgnieszkaMolenda (Foundation of Memory Sites near Auschwitz-Birkenau); Szymon Modrzejewski („Magurycz” Association); Ewa Bryla (Heritage of Carpathian Minorities Association); Michal Niezabitowski (Society of Friends of History and Monuments of Krakow); Dariusz Gatkowski (WWF Poland); Wieslaw Kaczmarek (Society for the Preservation of Historical Monuments); Anna Zglińska (Society for the Preservation of Historical Monuments of Torun); Grzegorz Trochanowski, Grzegorz Suchanicz (Lemko Union)
Parallel Session 2: Drafting Resolutions
Drafting committees will work on the Final Drafts of submitted resolutions before they will be presented for adoption in the Closing Plenary.
Parallel Session 3: Natural Properties and Historic City Centers
Moderator: Ivan Blokov (Greenpeace Russia)- Construction of a Military Base on Wrangel Island (Russia)
Khadija Shekue Famau (Save Lamu), Lamu Old Town (Kenya): Threats at the Door
Evgeny Simonow (River without Boundaries): Planned Hydro-Electric Dams in Mongolia in the Context of the Lake Baikal Preservation (Russia)
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Closing Plenary
Adoption of Resolutions
18:00 End of NGO Forum