Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2017

Tal der Loreley - Veranstaltungen in der KW 31

Veranstaltungen im Tal der Loreley in der KW 31

  • 02.08.2017
    • Buserlebnisreise "Die Rheingoldstraße" - Oberwesel - 14:20h
  • 04.08.2017
    • Mondlicht über Burg Maus - Burg Maus - St. Goarshausen - 2h
    • Celtic Night - Loreley Freilichtbühne - St. Goarshausen - 18h
    • Musikalische Stadtführung St. Goar - Tourist-Information St. Goar, Heerstr. 86, St. Goar - 15:30h - 2h
    • Weinprobe mit Gewölbekellerführung - Weingut Lanius-Knab - Oberwesel - 17h
    • Mittelrhein Momente treffen KD - Koblenz - 18:30h-24:00h
    • Loreley-Tattoo - Loreley Freilichtbühne - St. Goarshausen - 19:30h
  • 05.08.2017
    • 1. Mittelalterliches Burg- und Hansenfest auf Burg Rheinfels - Schlossberg - St. Goar - 10:00h
    • Stadtführung - Touristinformation Lahnstein - Salhofplatz 3, Lahnstein - 11h - 1h
    • "Offene Stadtführungen" - historische Stadt Oberwesel - 14h
  • 06.08.2017
    • 1. Mittelalterliches Burg- und Hansenfest auf Burg Rheinfels - Schlossberg - St. Goar - 10:00h
    • Sonntagskonzert auf dem historischen Marktplatz - Historischer Marktplatz Oberwesel - Oberwesel - 16h - 90 Minuten

Quelle: Romantischer Rhein

Freitag, 21. Juli 2017

Weinfest 13. - 16.09.2017

Feiern Sie mit uns das Weinfest in der Gäsegass - Altstadt St. Goarshausen. Es findet vom 13.-16.09.2017 statt.

Eintritt in die Weingass

  • 3 € Mittwoch bis Freitag
  • 5 € Samstag "Die Nacht der Loreley"

Fährzeiten Autofähre

  • Fährbetrieb bis 24h - Donnerstag und Freitag
  • Fährbetrieb bis 02h (nicht während des Feuerwerks)

Informationen zur Weingass und Rhein in Flammen, sowie zu Fahrzeiten von Bus und Bahn - Loreley Touristik - Telefon 06771 9100 - -

Mittwoch 13.09.2017

  • 19h Eröffnung der Weingass
    durch Stadtbürgermeister Manfred Baumert und Loreley Theresa. Mit Begleitung und Begrüßung der Repräsentanten der Region.
  • 19h - 23h Live-Musik auf zwei Bühnen
    • Am Turm das Schlossberg-Duo
    • Am Plan just4you

Weinverlosung in der Altstadt

Donnerstag 14.09.2017

  • 20h - 24h Live-Musik auf zwei Bühnen
    • Am Turm Dance Express
    • Am Plan Die Original Mühlbachtaler

Weinverlosungg in der Altstadt

Freitag 15.09.2017

  • 20h - 01h Live-Musik auf zwei Bühnen
    • Am Turm Lolly Pops
    • Am Plan Lazy Park Band

Große Weinverlosung in der Altstadt mit Loreley Theresa
Gewinnen Sie einen Aufenthalt in St. Goarshausen, alternativ ein Weinpräsent.

Samstag 16.09.2017

  • ab 16h Weinstände und urige Keller in der Weingass
  • 17h - 02h Live-Musik auf zwei Bühnen
    • Am Turm Klaus Lempart
    • Am Plan Atlantis und Gräfenthaler

Busfahrpläne zur Weinwoche und Rhein in Flammen »

Donnerstag, 20. Juli 2017

Tal der Loreley - Veranstaltungen in der KW 30

Veranstaltungen im Tal der Loreley in der KW 30

  • 24.07.2017
    • Hoffest im Weingut Riffel - Mühlweg 14 A, Bingen
  • 26.07.2017
    • Buserlebnisreise "Die Rheingoldstraße" - Oberwesel - 14:20h
  • 28.07.2017
    • Weinprobe mit Gewölbekellerführung - Weingut Lanius-Knab - Oberwesel - 17h
    • Mit Fuß und Klang Achtsamkeit erleben - Waldlehrpfad Damscheid/Oberwesel - 18:30h - 1h
  • 29.07.2017
    • GauklerFESTung - Internationales Gaukler- und Kleinkunstfestival - Festung Ehrenbreitstein Koblenz
    • Abendführung mit dem Nachtwächter - historische Altstadt - Oberwesel
    • "Offene Stadtführungen" - historische Stadt Oberwesel - 14h
    • Weinproben-Krimi mit „Mörderischem Menü“ - Weingut Lanius-Knab - Oberwesel - 19h
  • 30.07.2017
    • Wein Terrassen Wanderung - Winzergenossenschaft Loreley Bornich - 14h - 4h
    • GauklerFESTung - Internationales Gaukler- und Kleinkunstfestival - Festung Ehrenbreitstein Koblenz
    • Aldegundismarkt - Oberweseler Stadtwald - Rathausstr. 3, Oberwesel

Quelle: Romantischer Rhein

Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2017

Tal der Loreley - Veranstaltungen in der KW 29

Veranstaltungen im Tal der Loreley in der KW 29

  • 19.07.2017
    • Buserlebnisreise "Die Rheingoldstraße" - Oberwesel - 14:20h
  • 21.07.2017
    • Hoffest im Weingut Riffel - Mühlweg 14 A, Bingen
    • Weinprobe mit Gewölbekellerführung - Weingut Lanius-Knab - Oberwesel - 17h
  • 22.07.2017
    • Hoffest im Weingut Riffel - Mühlweg 14 A, Bingen
    • "Offene Stadtführungen" - historische Stadt Oberwesel - 14h
  • 23.07.2017
    • Hoffest im Weingut Riffel - Mühlweg 14 A, Bingen

Quelle: Romantischer Rhein

Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017

Leserbrief zu Mittelrheinbrücke - Drei Fraktionen klagen gegen Landrat Marlon Bröhr

Es ist eine unfassbare Entwicklung: Nun verklagen sich die von uns gewählten Volksvertreter schon gegenseitig auf Kosten der Steuerzahler. Der Politikakzeptanz wurde damit ein Bärendienst erwiesen.

Aber zum Thema: Die Landes SPD lädt zum Ortstermin am möglichen Brückenstandort und unterstreicht mit Minister Lewentz und Fraktionschef Alexander Schweitzer aus Landau die Forderung nach einer Brücke. Landespolitiker fordern eine lokale kommunale Brücke anstelle selbst als Landesregierung diese Brücke zu bauen. Glaubwürdig ist das nicht, sondern eher ein Zeichen, dass man eigentlich eine landesbedeutsame und damit überregionale Brücke möchte.

Mario Pott, Bad Ems

Samstag, 8. Juli 2017

41 COM 7B.45 Upper Middle Rhine Valley (Germany) (C 1066)

Year of inscription on the World Heritage List 2002

Criteria (ii)(iv)(v)

Year(s) of inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger N/A

Previous Committee Decisions see page

International Assistance
Requests approved: 0
Total amount approved: USD 0
For details, see page

UNESCO Extra-budgetary Funds

Previous monitoring missions
February 2008: Joint World Heritage Centre / ICOMOS Advisory mission; December 2012: ICOMOS Advisory mission

Factors affecting the property identified in previous reports

  • Noise pollution and traffic increase
  • Potential impacts of the Rhine crossing project
  • Lack of a Master Plan for the sustainable development of the property
  • Effects arising from use of transportation infrastructure
  • Impacts of tourism / visitor / recreation
  • Input of excess energy
  • Major visitor accommodation and associated infrastructure
  • Renewable energy facilities

Illustrative material see page

Current conservation issues

On 10 November 2016, the State Party submitted a state of conservation report, which is available at and provides information on the implementation of requests of the Committee at its 39th session (Bonn, 2015), as follows:

  • Appraisal for Rhine crossing: Planning for a permanent Rhine crossing at St. Goar in form of an infrastructure project has been resumed by the regional parliament. Spatial planning procedures are being prepared and visual impact studies, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and traffic surveys will be updated and re-conducted. UNESCO and the Advisory Bodies will be consulted in the process. The Master Plan will be amended to include the river crossing and other infrastructure projects;
  • Sight line studies and wind turbine policies: The Federal State of Rhineland - Palatinate has amended the current Regional Development Plan according to the findings of sight line studies, to the effect that development of wind turbines in a World Heritage property and its buffer zone are not permitted. The Federal State of Hesse adopted special regulations concerning wind energy, defining World Heritage properties as non-priority areas for wind energy. Wind energy is generally permitted in and adjacent to buffer zones, but consideration is given on a case-by-case basis. The Complementary Plan on Renewable Energies includes a priority area within the buffer zone north of Lorch. An application for approval of a wind farm in Lorch-Ranselberg has been filed. Two studies regarding environmental assessments and sight line analysis for the planned wind farm project were submitted by the State Party on 10 November 2016, in compliance with Paragraph 172 of the Operational Guidelines. The State Party expressed concern regarding the differing conclusions, noting that the study commissioned by the investor still does not accord “in terms of methodology, quality of implementation, or the assessment criteria” with the one commissioned by the Federal State of Rheinland-Palatinate;
  • Noise reduction from trains: The Federal Government has declared its intention to significantly improve noise reduction by banning freight trains not fitted with low-noise tracking system as of 2020. In addition, an application has been prepared to develop an alternative route outside of the valley to be included in the Federal Transportation Infrastructure Plan and the Federal Railway Development Act;
  • The Master Plan and the Management Plan will be consolidated into one document upon their revision, setting out the governance processes, policies and measures for future development of the property as suggested by the Committee;
  • The project proposal for the Loreley Landscape Park on the Loreley plateau, chosen through an EU-wide architectural competition, is considered compatible with World Heritage status and is closely followed by representatives and experts of relevant national authorities and heritage organizations;

The report provides further information on past and future projects and activities, with a positive impact on the property, such as Germany's horticultural shows 2008-2011 (the next show, on the Loreley Plateau in 2031, is currently under consideration) and youth projects for World Heritage.

Analysis and Conclusions of the World Heritage Centre, ICOMOS and ICCROM

The information provided on the resumption of planning for the permanent river crossing is noted and it is recommended that the Committee encourage the State Party to closely involve the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies, at the earliest possible stage, in the development of options appraisals, which should be undertaken in a wide regional, strategic context.

The commitment of the State Party to reduce noise levels from trains in the property is positive, and it is recommended that the Committee encourage the State Party to prepare and adopt relevant legal regulations for railway noise reduction.

The two Federal States of Rhineland-Palatinate and of Hesse have very different approaches concerning wind turbines and renewable energy, adopting different policies and regulations concerning wind farms and turbines within World Heritage properties and their buffer zones. It is therefore recommended that the Committee note with concern the policies and regulations adopted by the Federal State of Hesse. The Upper Middle Rhine Valley is one entity and therefore common regulations and policies should be adopted for this property. There is also a need for common criteria for wind farm assessments and for independent and impartial entities to be chosen to carry these out. This concerns in particular the proposal for a wind farm on Ranselberg hill near Lorch. ICOMOS reviewed two environmental assessments and sight line studies, and concluded that the wind turbines have a very high adverse visual impact on the property due to their visibility from several different points within the boundaries of the property.

It is also recommended that the Committee encourage the State Party to send the revised plans for the Holiday Resort Sankt-Goar-Werlau to the World Heritage Centre, for review by the Advisory Bodies before any decisions are made.

Progress on the revision of the Master Plan and the Management Plan is noted with satisfaction as well as the intention to consolidate them together in a single document.

Draft Decision: 41 COM 7B.45

The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/17/41.COM/7B,
  2. Recalling Decision 39 COM 7B.78, adopted at its 39th session (Bonn, 2015),
  3. Noting the resumption of exploratory planning for a permanent river crossing, requests the State Party to closely involve the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies, at the earliest possible stage, in the appraisal of options undertaken in a wide regional strategic context, and before any decisions are taken;
  4. Welcoming its committment to reduce noise levels from trains in the property, encourages the State Party to prepare and adopt relevant legal regulations for railway noise reduction;
  5. Notes with concern the policies and regulations adopted concerning wind turbines within World Heritage properties and buffer zones by the Federal State of Hesse and urges the State Party to work towards common policies and regulations to exclude wind farms from World Heritage Properties and their buffer zones; and strongly encourages the State Party to develop common rules and criteria for the assessment of the impact of wind farms on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the property and its buffer zones;
  6. Also requests the State Party to halt the project for the installation of a wind farm on Ranselberg hill near Lorch, which has a very high adverse visual impact on the OUV of the property, due to its visibility from different points within the boundaries of the property;
  7. Also encourages the State Party to provide revised plans for the Holiday Resort Sankt-Goar-Werlau to the World Heritage Centre, for review by the Advisory Bodies, and before any decisions are taken;
  8. Further requests the State Party to provide the revised and consolidated Management Plan and Master Plan, prior to their consolidation into one document, to the World Heritage Centre, for review by the Advisory Bodies;
  9. Requests furthermore the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 December 2018, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property and the implementation of the above, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 43rd session in 2019.


Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2017

UNESCO - High Noon - Resolution der BI-Rheinpassagen

41COM 7B.45 Upper Middle Rhine Valley (Germany) (C 1066)

Stephan Dömpke, Vorsitzender World Heritage Watch hat heute die Resolution der BI-Rheinpassagen zum

Welterbe Oberes Mittelrheintal
41COM 7B.45

im Plenum der 41. UNESCO Welterbekonferenz in Krakau vorgetragen.

The Upper Middle Rhine Valley is in danger

With the expansion of the railway lines from Genoa to Rotterdam, traffic noise from railways and vibrations will increase even more.

At least 600 trains will be driven daily through the Middle Rhine Valley.

The Middle Rhine Bridge will connect two interregional transport networks each side of the Rhine.

Experts confirm the classification as a trans-European road.

Traffic volume and noise from railways and roads must be significantly reduced.

  • We ask for a strategic transport plan to be developed for the Middle Rhine to improve the living conditions for people on the Middle Rhine.
  • The plans for the construction of a bridge should be abandoned for this reason.
  • Ferries should become an integral part of the World Heritage Site.

The Loreley Plateau is currently under construction. The reconstruction of the Loreley Open air Theatre is now widely visible in the Rhine Valley, effecting seriously its integrity.

Moreover, a huge hotel with 200 220 beds is already under construction will be built across an area of 28.000 square meters. Contracts have been signed.

  • The further development of the Loreley Plateau requires special care. All changes must harmonize with the landscape.
  • Construction work on the Loreley Plateau should be halted until a development plan has been prepared.
  • The plan should include guidelines for appropriate building designs and layout for the long term future of the World Heritage Site.

Tal der Loreley - Veranstaltungen in der KW 28

Veranstaltungen im Tal der Loreley in der KW 28

  • 12.07.2017
    • Buserlebnisreise "Die Rheingoldstraße" - Oberwesel - 14:20h
  • 14.07.2017
    • Night of the Prog - Loreley Freilichtbühne - St. Goarshausen
    • Weltkulturfestival Horizonte - Festung Ehrenbreitstein - Koblenz
    • Weinprobe mit Gewölbekellerführung - Weingut Lanius-Knab - Oberwesel - 17h
  • 15.07.2017
    • Night of the Prog - Loreley Freilichtbühne - St. Goarshausen
    • 10. Oldtimer Treffen Boppard - Marktplatz - Boppard - 10h
    • Weltkulturfestival Horizonte - Festung Ehrenbreitstein - Koblenz
    • "Offene Stadtführungen" - historische Stadt Oberwesel - 14h
  • 16.07.2017
    • Night of the Prog - Loreley Freilichtbühne - St. Goarshausen
    • Weltkulturfestival Horizonte - Festung Ehrenbreitstein - Koblenz

Quelle: Romantischer Rhein

Mittwoch, 5. Juli 2017

For a Structured Dialogue with Civil Society on World Heritage matters

World Heritage Watch nimmt an der Veranstaltung "For a Structured Dialogue with Civil Society on World Heritage matters" mit dem folgenden Beitrag teil.

Concerning Civil Society Cooperation

We, members of the World Heritage Watch network, are eager to help enhance the quality and effectiveness of civil society's involvement in the implementation of the World Heritage Convention.

We hope that from such dialogue the World Heritage Committee will benefit from the expertise and passion of local communities, indigenous peoples and citizens who are active - as professionals and volunteers - in the field of cultural and natural World Heritage.

We commend the Committee for the steps it has already taken to recognize the role of civil society and indigenous peoples in the protection and safeguarding of Wolrd Heritage sites, such as Articles 12 and 40 of the Operational Guidelines.

We strongly encourage the Committee to operationalize these principles in the processes of the Convention, including, but not limited to:

  • Access to Information
  • Transparency of Procedures and Communication
  • Works of the WH Centre and Advisory Bodies
  • Preparation of Tentative Lists and Nominations
  • Preparation of Management Plans
  • Monitoring and Reporting
  • Participation in Missions

We suggest that the World Heritage Committee, with the assistance of the Centre and Advisory Bodies, expedites this process by appointing a Liaison Person for civil society and by establishing a Working Group on Civil Society Cooperation at the earliest possible time. This Working Group should include civil society representatives of all geographical regions and natural and cultural heritage.


Moderiert von Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović, Secretary General of Europa Nostra

Welcome and Introductory Remarks by Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović.

Presentation of the draft Krakow Declaration "For a Structured Dialogue with Civil Society on World Heritage matters" by Laurent Lévi-Strauss. Council Member of Europa Nostra

Reaction by

  • World Heritage Committee: Prof. Jacek Puchla, Chair of the 41th Session
  • World Heritage Centre: Dr. Mechthild Rössler, Director of Heritage Division & Director of the World Heritage Centre UNESCO
  • Representatives of the Advisory Bodies
    • ICOMOS
    • IUCN
    • ICCROM

Discussion with Interventions by representatives of International or Regional NGOs active in the field of cultural and natural heritage and by members of the World Heritage Committee

Concluding Remarks by

  • Prof. Jacek Purchla, Chair of the 41th Sessin of the World Heritage Committee
  • Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailović, Secretary General of Europa Nostra

Dienstag, 4. Juli 2017

UNESCO - Historischer Moment

Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte der UNESCO bekommt World Heritage Watch die Möglichkeit, auf der 41. Welterbekonferenz in Krakau seine Resolutionen dem Plenum vorzutragen.

Am heutigen Tag waren es

  • 41COM 7A.18 Sumatra
    Panut Hadisiswoyo (Orangutan Information Centre): Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra: Habitat for Critically Endangered Wildlife Faces New Threats (Indonesia)
  • 41COM 7A.22 Liverpool
    Gerry Proctor (Engage Liverpool): A Message to UNESCO from the People of Liverpool - vorgetragen von Dr. Kate Fielden

Darüber hinaus gab es für World Heritage Watch ein Gespräch mit Prof. Jacek Purchla, Chair of the 41st Session.

Die BI-Rheinpassagen konnte auf der Konferenz weitere interessante Gespräche führen und nützliche Kontakte knüpfen.

Montag, 3. Juli 2017

World Heritage Watch überreicht Draft Resolutions

Irina Bokova bei der gestrigen Eröffnungszeremonie

Heute überreichte Stephan Dömpke, Vorsitzender von World Heritage Watch, die auf dem 4. Internationalen Forum der Zivilgesellschaft zum Welterbe erarbeiteten Draft Resolutions, der Generaldirektorin der UNESCO Irina Bukova.

Sonntag, 2. Juli 2017

Opening Ceremony of the 41st Session of the World Heritage Committee

Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland
Minister of Culture and National Heritage
Mr Piotr Gliński
requests the pleasure of the company of

Ms Elke Greiff-Gossen
Mr Klaus Thomas
at the Opening Ceremony of
the 41st Session of the World Heritage Committee

in presence of
President of the Republic of Poland
Mr Andrzej Duda

on Sunday, July 2nd, 2017 at 7.30 p.m.
at the Wawel Royal Castle

The Ceremony will be followed by a reception

Wawel Royal Castle
entrance from Podzamcze st. (Herbowa Gate)

Samstag, 1. Juli 2017

41. Sitzung des UNESCO-Welterbekomitees in Krakau - Tag 2

v.l. Elke Greiff-Gossen, Lazare Eloundo Assomo, Deputy Director UNESCO, Stephan Doempke WHW, Klaus Thomas

9:00 Plenary Session
International Perspectives on the Structured Role of Civil Society in the World Heritage Convention

Lazare Eloundou Assomo, Deputy Director, UNESCO Division for Heritage and World Heritage Centre

Kristal Buckley, International Council for Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)

Cyril Kormos, International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Plenary Session Continued

Towards a Structured Role of Civil Society in the Framework of the World Heritage Convention

Moderator: Stephan Doempke (World Heritage Watch) A paper on the subject for discussion and adoption by the WHW Forum will be circulated among the participants in time before the start of the Forum.

13:00 Lunch

14:30 Parallel Sessions Parallel Session 1: Networking Meeting of Civil Society in Poland

Moderators: Dr. Danuta Glondys (Villa Decius Association) / Stephan Doempke (World Heritage Watch)

Marcin Stoczkiewicz (Client Earth); Robert Cyglicki (Greenpeace Poland); Mateusz Zmyślony (Eskadra); Basil Kerski (tbc) (European Solidarity Center); Agnieszka

Molenda (Foundation of Memory Sites near Auschwitz-Birkenau); Szymon Modrzejewski („Magurycz” Association); Ewa Bryla (Heritage of Carpathian Minorities Association); Michal Niezabitowski (Society of Friends of History and Monuments of Krakow); Dariusz Gatkowski (WWF Poland); Wieslaw Kaczmarek (Society for the Preservation of Historical Monuments); Anna Zglińska (Society for the Preservation of Historical Monuments of Torun); Grzegorz Trochanowski, Grzegorz Suchanicz (Lemko Union)

Parallel Session 2: Drafting Resolutions

Drafting committees will work on the Final Drafts of submitted resolutions before they will be presented for adoption in the Closing Plenary.

Parallel Session 3: Natural Properties and Historic City Centers
Moderator: Ivan Blokov (Greenpeace Russia)- Construction of a Military Base on Wrangel Island (Russia)

Khadija Shekue Famau (Save Lamu), Lamu Old Town (Kenya): Threats at the Door

Evgeny Simonow (River without Boundaries): Planned Hydro-Electric Dams in Mongolia in the Context of the Lake Baikal Preservation (Russia)

16:00 Coffee break

16:30 Closing Plenary
Adoption of Resolutions

18:00 End of NGO Forum